Шахматы. Самая полная подборка иностранной литературы на март 2011

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post 27-Фев-2011 15:12


Шахматы. Самая полная подборка иностранной литературы на март 2011

Библиотека: Шахматы. Иностранная литература
Состояние: март 2011
Тематика: шахматы
Описание: Самая полная подборка иностранной шахматной литературы из имеющихся в сети.
Книги на английском, немецком, испанском , французском, итальянском, сербско-хорватском и датском. Свыше 1300 наименований

Содержание. 3 больших раздела
1 Openings
Aagaard J Lund E. - Meeting 1 d4 ,2002.djvu 2,91
Aagaard Jacob - Experts vs. Sicilian, 2006.pdf 7,71
Aagaard Jacob - Starting Out - The Grunfeld, 2004.pdf 8,99
Aagaard Jacob - Stonewall II (2007).djvu 2,58
Aagaard, Jacob - Dutch Stonewall,2002.djvu 1,85
Aagard Jacob - Easy Guide to the Panov-Botvinnik Attack, 1998.djvu 3,71
Adams Jimmy --Schliemann Gambit, 1982.djvu 1,47
Adorjan Andras & Jeno Dory--Gruenfeld-Indische Verteidigung richtig gespielt, 1987.djvu 2,41 2str
Adorjan, A & Horvath, T -- Defensa Siciliana Variante Sveshnikov, 1987.pdf 7,01 2str
Adorjan & Horvath, - Defensa Siciliana Variante Sveshnikov, 1987.pdf 35,8 2str
Alburt Lev & Chernin Alex--Pirc Alert A Complete Defense against 1.e4,2001.djvu 10,60
Alburt Lev & Eric Schiller - The Alekhine for the Tournament Player, 1985.pdf 7,04
Alburt Lev et all--Chess Openings for Black Explained, 2005.pdf 21,6
Alburt Lev, Roman Dzindzichashvili &Eugene Perelshteyn--Chess Openings for WhiteExplained,2007.pdf 12,9
Alburt Lev, Schiller Eric - The Alekhine for the Tournament Player, 1985.pdf 5,80
Anand Viswanathan - C.89 Marshall.Attack, 1993.pdf 3,52
Anderson, Selby - Center Counter Defense - The Portuguese Variation, 1997.pdf 5,10
Arizmendi & Moreno - Mastering the Najdorf, 2004.pdf 12,6 2str
Avrukh Boris - 1.d4 volume one, 2008.pdf 16,5
Avrukh Boris - 1.d4 volume two, 2010.pdf 22,2
Baker Chris - A Startling Chess Opening Repertoire (1998).djvu 4,35
Bangiev - Das angenommene Koenigsgambit 3.Sc3,1993.djvu 4,23
Barden, Leonard & Hartston, William R. & Keene, Raymond - The King-'s Indian Defence, 1973.pdf 12,5
Bareev Evgeny - C05-06 French Defence, Tarrasch Variation (multilanguage).djvu 4,57
Basman Michael - Play St. George .pdf 4,80
Basman Michael - The Killer Grob.pdf 7,23 2str
Bass, Leonid - King-'s Indian with g3, 1990.pdf 2,85 2str
Bauer Chistian - The Philidor Files - Detailed Coverage of a Dynamic Opening.djvu 2,47
Bauer Christian - Play 1...b6, 2005.pdf 5,73
Beim Valery - Understanding the Leningrad Dutch,2002.djvu 3,36
Beliavsky & Mikchalichishin-Two knights defense,1999.djvu 1,87
Belyavsky, Mchalichishin - the petrosian system against qid, 2008.pdf 6,00
Beliavsky Alexander & Adrian Mikhalchishin - D44 - Queen's Gambit, 1993.pdf 6,11
Beliavsky Alexander & Mikhalchishin Adrian--B86-87 Sicilian Defence 1995.pdf 15,4
Bellin Robert & Ponzetto Pietro - Mastering the King's Indian Defense,1990.pdf 11,2
Bellin Robert & Ponzetto Pietro - Mastering the Modern Benoni and the Benko Gambi,1990.pdf
Bellin Robert - Queen pawn.Veresov system, 1983.djvu 1,48
Benjamin Joel, Schiller Eric - Unorthodox Openings, 1987.pdf 15,9
Benko Pal - The Benko Gambit. Winning Strategy for Black 1973.pdf 4,10
Bikhovsky Anatoly - The closed spanish karpov zaitsev, 1993.pdf 6,46
Bologan Viorel - The Chebanenko Slav, 2008.pdf 14,4
Bologan Victor - The King s Indian, 2009.pdf 10,1
Borik Otto--Kasparov chess opening,1991.djvu 2,41
Botvinnik Mikhail & Yakov Estrin - Gruenfeld-Verteidigung (German).djvu 4,95
Brash Graham - Chess Openings for Progressive Player,1949.pdf 7,60 2str
Bronstein David &Neat Ken--Bronstein on the King's Indian,1999.djvu 3,32
Bronznik - The Chigorin Defence, 2005.pdf 17,2
Bronznik Valeri - Sizilianisch Fur Mussigganger, 2004.djvu 21,3
Buckley Graeme--Easy Guide to the Queen's Gambit Accepted,1998.pdf 6,01 2str
Burgess G.--101 Chess Openings Surprises,1998.djvu 3,57
Burgess Graham - The Taimanov Sicilian - Detailed Coverage, 2000.pdf 10,0
Cherniaev & Prokuronov -The Samisch King, 2007.pdf 28,5
Cherta Pedro -- Defensa Siciliana. Variante Najdorf, 1972 .pdf 10,2
Cherta - Defensa India del Rey, 1972.pdf 21,4
Chesspublishing.com--All available PDF articles on chess openings.rar 3,66
Collins Sam - An Attacking Repertoire for White,2004.pdf 2,25
Collins Sam--Chess Explained The c3 Sicilian,2007.pdf 8,22
Cox John - Starting Out - Alekhine's Defence, 2004.pdf 9,07
Cox John - Dealing with d4 Deviations - Fighting the Trompowsky etc, 2005.djvu 2,26
Cox John - The Berlin Wall, 2008.djvu 4,29
Cox John--Starting Out 1 d4 , 2006.djvu 5,65
Cummings David - Symmetrical English, 2001.djvu 2,99
Czerniak - La Defensa Francesa, 1954 .pdf 8,16
Davies Nigel - Play 1.e4 e5! - A Complete Repertoire for Black in the Open Games, 2006.pdf 2,66
Davies Nigel - The Trompowsky, 2005.djvu 2,79
Davies Nigel & Andrew Martin--Centre Counter Defence,2004.pdf 0,14
Davies Nigel & Andrew Martin--Pirc & Modern Defence, 2004.pdf 0,26
Davies Nigel -- The 2.f4 Sicilian, 1988.pdf 2,86
Davies Nigel --starting out-the Modern, 2008.pdf 9,28
Davies Nigel & Andrew Martin - Caro-Kann Defence,2004.pdf 0,37
Davies Nigel--The Dynamic Reti,2004.djvu 2,51
de Firmian Nick - Modern Chess Openings MCO-14, 1999.pdf 18,3 2str
Dearing Edward - Play The Sicilian Dragon, 2004.pdf 21,1
de la Villa Jesus - El Ataque Ingles, 2000.pdf 19,6
Delchev Alexander & Semkov Semko - The Safest Sicilian 2008.djvu 2,17
Dembo Yelena - Figthing anti-Kings, 2008.pdf 7,15
Deppe Georg - Die Fischer-Nimzowitsch-Verteidigung, 1979.djvu 1,05
Djuric & Komarov & Pantaleoni - Chess Openings Essentials vol 1 - The complete 1.e4, 2007.pdf 23,4
Donaldson -Strategic Opening Repertoire, 1998.pdf 7,18
Dunnington Angus - The Ultimate King's Indian Attack, 1998.pdf 4,99
Dunnington Angus - Attacking with 1 d4, 2001.djvu 2,87
Dunnington, Angus - The Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein, 2003.pdf 10,4
Eade James - Chess Openings for Dummies 2010.pdf 23,8
EDAMI Packs (very good PDF chess lessons in Spanish).rar 12,4
Eingorn & Bogdanov - Chess Explained The French, 2008.pdf 15,0
Emms John - Attacking with 1.e4, 2001.djvu 2,32
Emms John - Easy Guide to the Ruy Lopez,1999.djvu 2,37
Emms John - Nimzo-Indian Defence (E20-59).pdf 0,33
Emms John - Play the Open Games as Black, 2000.djvu 1,93
Emms John - Starting Out - The Scotch Game, 2006.pdf 11,6
Emms, John - Starting Out - The Sicilian, 2002.pdf 1,5
Emms John - The Scandinavian, 2004.djvu 3,92
Estrin & Petrosjan--Zweispringerspiel 1966 .djvu 2,53
Estrin Yakov--Gambits,1982.pdf 3,39 2str
Estrin Yakov - Bauernopfer in der Eroeffnung - Eine bunte Gambitpalette, 1980.djvu 3,39
Evans, Larry & Smith, Ken - An Unbeatable White Repertoire After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3.djvu, 1988 1,21
Falchetta Giovanni - 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5 - Keres Defence, 1992.pdf 6,35 2str
Fine Reuben - Practical Chess Openings.pdf 10,2 2str
Fine Reuben - Modern Chess Openings, 1939.pdf 24,6
Fine, Reuben - The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings, 1989.djvu 2,29
Flear Glenn - The ...a6 Slav - The Dynamic Lines with an Early ...a6.djvu 3,83
Flear Glenn--Open Ruy Lopez, 2000 .djvu 3,97
Flear, Glenn - The Ruy Lopez Main Line, 2004.pdf 12,2
Forintos, Gyozo & Haag, Ervin - Easy Guide to the Nge2 King-'s Indian, 2000.pdf 8,19
Forintos, Gyozo & Haag, Ervin - Petroff-'s Defence, 1983.pdf 9,07
Franco, Zenon - Chess Explained - The English Opening, 2006.djvu 3,90
Freeborough, E. & Ranken, C.E. - Chess Openings - Ancient and Modern, 1929.pdf
Fridshtein - La Defensa Pirc, 1974.pdf 9,93
Gallagher Joe--Beating the Anti-King's Indian,1996.djvu 1,96
Gallagher - Play the King's Indian, 2004.djvu 7,00
Gallagher Joe - Starting out Caro-Kan, 2005.pdf 10,5
Gallagher Joe -The King Indian,2002.djvu 1,88
Gallagher Joe - Winning with the King's Gambit,1993.pdf 13,9
Gawain Jones - Starting Out Sicilian Gran Prix Attack, 2008.pdf 3,10
Gelenczei Emil-200 Erofnungsfallen.pdf 6,16
Gelfand Boris &Kapengut Albert - A65 Benoni, 1996.pdf 3,67
Geller, Efim - Queen's Indian Defence, 1982.pdf 12,8 2str
Georgiev Kiril - Squeezing the Gambits, 2010.pdf 4,59
Georgiev Kiril & Kolev Atanas - The Sharpest Sicilian 2007.djvu 8, 26
Gligoric, Svetozar - Play the Nimzo-Indian Defence, 1985.pdf 11,7 2str
Godena Michele - La mia sicililiana, 2007.djvu 12,5
Goeller Michael - The Bishop's Opening,2004.pdf 0,32
Goeller Michael - The Urusov Gambit,2003.pdf 0,74
Golubev - The Sicilian Sozin - Aggressive System for White, 2001.pdf 14,4
Golubev, Mikhail - Easy Guide to the Dragon, 1999.pdf 6,68
Golubev Mikhail - Understanding the King's Indian, 2006.pdf 17,1
Gossip, G. H. D. - Theory of the Chess Openings, 1891.PDF 16,2
Grivas Efstratios - A.Complete.Guide.to.the.Grivas.Sicilian, 2005.pdf 6,13
Grivas-Beating the fianchetto defences, 2006.pdf 13,9
Gufeld Eduard & Stetsko Oleg - Winning with the Torre Attack,1993.pd 12,8
Gufeld Eduard--The Modern French Tarrasch,1996.djvu 2,63
Gufeld, Eduard - The Sicilian Defence, 1986.djvu 4,26
Gufeld - Defensa SicilianaVariante del Dragon.pdf 7,61
Gufeld, Eduard & Stetsko, Oleg - Caro-Kann, Smyslov System 4...Nd7, 1998.pdf 5,05
Gufeld, Eduard & Stetsko, Oleg - The Classical French, 1999.pdf 3,83
Gunsberg, Isidor - The Chess Openings, 1901.pdf 3,19
Gurevich Mikhail - E97King's.Indian.Defence, 1995.pdf 7,39
Hall, John & Cartier, Jan R. - Modern King-'s Indian Attack, 1996.pdf 6,33
Hamada Ehab - A Collection of Articles on the Ruy Lopez.pdf 20,0
Harding Tim, Janis Vitomskis & Martin Bennedik - The Total Marshall,2002.pdf 1,11
Harding, T.D. & Markland P.R. - The Sicilian Richter-Rauzer, 1975.pdf 4,26
Harding, Tim - Colle, London and Blackmar-Diemer Systems, 1979.pdf 13,5
Harding Tim & Caferty Benard - Play The Evans Gambit, 1997.djvu 13,1
Hellsten Johan - Play the sicilian Kan, 2008.pdf 17,7
Hillarp Persson, Tiger - Modern Defense 2005.pdf 15,2
Hodgson Julian - Trends - f4 Sicilian,1991.pdf 3,96 2str
Hodgson Julian - Trends - Sicilian Sveshnikov,1990.pdf 4,05 2str
Hodgson Julian & Day Lawrence, Grand Prix Attack - f4 Against the Sicilian, 1985.PDF 6,63 2str
Hoogendoorn Albert - Smith Morra Gambit - Part 1, 2003 .pdf 0,31
Horowitz - New Traps in the Chess Opening 1973 .pdf 2,61 2str
Horowitz I. A. - How to Win in the Chess Openings, 1951.pdf 7,32
Hort Vlastimil - Alekhine Defence, 1981.djvu 2,49
Howson J.B. - 200 Modern Chess Traps in the Fianchetto Openings 1971.pd 9,41
Ilic - Sicilian Najdorf English Attack.pdf 7,44
Jacobs Byron - Starting Out The French, 2002.pdf 4,03
Jacobs, Byron - Benko Gambit, 1989.pdf 3,60 2str
Jacobs, Byron - Winning With The Benko, 1995.djvu 1,97
Jacoby Gisbert - The New Anti-Najdorf 6.Be3! , 1986.pdf 2,85
Janjgava Lasha - The Petroff, 2001.pdf 5,78
Janjgava Lasha - The Queen's Gambit & Catalan for Black, 2000.pdf 21,8 str
Johnsen, Sverre & Kovacevic, Vlatko - Win with the London System, 2005.pdf 15,0
Johnsen & Bern & Agdestein.djvu - Win with the Stonewall Dutch, 2009.djvu 2,11
Kalinin Alexander - Kings's Gambit (Convekta).pdf 0,37
Kalinin, Alexander - The French Defence - Modern Practice, 2003.djvu 6,80
Karpov & Beliavsky - Caro-Kann Verteidigung , 1998.pdf 10,6 2str
Karpov Anatoly - B17 - Caro-Kann Defence.pdf 8,90
Karpov, Anatoly - How to Play the English Opening, 2007.pdf 7,79
Karpov, Anatoly & Podgaets, Mikhail - Caro-Kann Defence - Panov Attack, 2006.pdf 16,2
Karpov--Schottisch,1992.djvu 1,77
Karpov Anatoly - Como Ganar contra la Defensa Gruenfeld, 1990.djvu 3,67
Kasparov, Garry & Nikitin, Alexander - The Sicilian Scheveningen, 1991.pdf 15,1
Kasparov, Garry & Shakarov, Alexander - Caro-Kann - Classical 4...Bf5.djvu 1,93
Keene Raymond & Byron Jacobs - The Complete King's Indian, 1992.djvu 3,19
Keene Raymond - Winning with the Nimzo-Indian, 1992.pdf 7,92 str2
Keene Raymund - Aktive Eroffnungsstrategie, 1975.pdf 1,63
Keilhack H. Schlenker R.--1...Sc6 aus allen Lagen,1995.djvu 3,24
Keres Paul - El Gambito del Rey, 1972.pdf 9,27
Keres Paul - Theorie der Schacheroeffnungen I - Offene Spiele,.djvu 6,29
Keres Paul - Theorie der Schacheroeffnungen II - Offene Spiele,.djvu 5,10
Keres Paul - Theorie_der_Schacheroeffnungen_Teil_III__1958_.djvu 4,52

Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White according to Anand 1.e4, Vol. 1 , 2003 .djvu 3,30
Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White according to Anand 1.e4, Vol. 2, 2003 .djvu 5, 92
Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White according to Anand 1.e4, Vol. 3.djvu 5,52
Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4,book4,2005.djvu 6,97
Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4,book5,2005.djvu 4,33
Khalifman - Opening for White according to Anand 1.e4, Vol 6..pdf 6,96
Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White according to Anand 1 e4 Vol 7.pdf 14,8
Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4, vol11.pdf 32,5
Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White according to Kramnik 1.Nf3 Book 1a (2006, 2nd Ed).pdf 15,1
Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White According to Kramnik 1.Nf3 Book 1b (2006, 2nd Ed).pdf 15,0
Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White according to Kramnik 1.Nf3 Book 3 (2001).djvu 3,83
Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White according to Kramnik 1.Nf3 Book 4 (2002).djvu 6,31
Khalifman Alexander - Opening for White according to Kramnik 1.Nf3 Book 5 (2002).djvu 3,61
Khalifman, Alexander - Opening for Black According to Karpov (2001).pdf 5,49
Kharitonov A. - The Chess Variants C48 C57.djvu 0,93
Kindermann Stefan - Leningrader System, 2002.pdf 18,3
Kindermann, Dirr - Franzosisch Winawer, 2001.djvu 6,49
King-Pawn Openings.pdf 0,2
King Daniel &Ponzetto Pietro--Mastering the Spanish,1993.pdf 10,1 2str
Knaak, Rainer - Semi-Slav and Meran, 1991.pdf 5,05 str
Kolev Atanas & Nedev traiko - The easiest sicilian, 2008.djvu 11,9
Koltanowski George - Colle System 1990.pdf 5,76
Konikowski Jerzy - Modernes Damengambit, 2004.pdf 99,5
Kopec Danny - Mastering the Sicilian, 2001.pdf 7,08 2str
Korchnoi - C 80-81 - Ruy Lopez, 1994 .pdf 10,1
Korchnoi Viktor & Vladimir Zak - King's Gambit,1986.pdf 10,1 2str
Kosten Antony--Easy Guide to the Najdorf 1999.djvu 16,4
Kosten, Tony - The Dynamic English.pdf 5,24
Kotronias Vassilos - Beating the Caro-Kann, 1994.pdf 4,44 2str
Krasenkov, Mikhail - The Open Spanish, 1995.djvu 2,16
Lakdawala Cyrus - A Ferocious Opening Repertoire, 2010.pdf 12,9
Lalic, Okhotnik - Carpathian Warrior Book One, 2005.djvu 7,24
Lalic, Bogdan - The Marshall Attack, 2003.pdf 10,1
Lalic Bogdan - Queen Gambit Bg5 Systems, 2000.djvu 9,12
Lane Gary - The Vienna Game, 2000.pdf 4,31
Lane Gary --The bishop opening (2004).pdf 4,84
Lane Gary--Beating the French,1994.djvu 1,79
Lane Gary--The Grand Prix Attack--Attacking Lines with f4 against the Sicilian,1997.djvu 2,38
Lane, Gary - Winning with the Scotch, 1993.pdf 5,88
Lapshun - Play b4, 2008.djvu 6,40
Lapshun & Contichello - 7 ways to smah the sicilian 2009.djvu 1,72
Larsen, Bent & Zeuthen, Steffen - Zero Hour for Operative Opening Models, 1979.pdf 21,3 2str
Le Gambit Blackmar-Diemer.pdf 1,31
Levy David & O'Connell Kevin - How to Play the Sicilian Defence, 1987.pdf 13,3
Levy, David & Keene, Raymond - An Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player, 1977.pdf 5,18 2str
Levy--Sacrifices in the Sicilian,1974.pdf 6,30
Longman, F. W. - Chess Openings, 1874.pdf 1,00
Lopez Mario Valverde - La Defensa Siciliana - Variante Moscu (Spanish).pdf 0,27
Lukov Valentin & Wienigk - System-Theorie aus aller Welt - Caro-Kann, 1990.djvu 21,2
Marin Mihail - Beating the Open Games 2008.pdf 15,2
Marin, Mihail - A Spanish Repertoire for Black, 2007.pdf 38,8
Maroczy Geza - Die franzoesische Partie (1927, German).djvu 3,16
Marovic Drazen - Slav Defence (1985, Serbo-Croatian).djvu 2,86
Marovic Drazen & Parma Bruno - An Opening Repertoire for Black,1978.pdf 7,55 2str
Marovic Drazen--Play the King's Indian Defence, 1984.djvu 3,17
Martin Andrew - The Aggressive Sokolsky 1.b4.pdf 0,38
Martin Andrew - The Contemporary Anti-Dutch, 1990.djvu 1,63
Martin Andrew--The Essential Center-Counter, 2004.pdf 6,04
McDonald - The Dutch Leningrad, 1997.pdf 8,11 2str
McDonald Neil - How to Play against 1 e4 2008.pdf 10,4
McDonald Neil. - How to Play Against 1.e4, 2008.pdf 8,95
McDonald Neil - Main Line Caro-Kann , 2001.pdf 6,69
McDonald Neil - The Benko Gambit Revealed, 2004.pdf 6,63
McDonald Neil & Andrew Harley--Mastering the French, 1997.pdf 7,09
McDonald, Neil - King-'s Gambit, 1998.djvu 1,57
McDonald, Neil - Starting Out - 1.e4!, 2006.djvu 4,30
McDonald--Queen's gambit declined,2006.djvu 1,24
McDonald, Neil - Chess Success - Planning After the Opening, 2007.pdf 11,5
McNab Colin - Catalan,1991.pdf 4,13 2str
Mednis Edmar - How to Play Good Opening Moves, 2002.pdf 5,53 2str
Mednis Edmar--From the Opening into the Endgame, 1991.pdf 5,23
Mednis Edmar - Practical Opening Tips, 1998.pdf 8,54
Melts-Scandinavian defense 3...Qd6, 2001.pdf 13,9
Minev & Donaldson - Dutch Defense. New & Forgotten Ideas, 2003.pdf 9,38
Miller J. W. (ed.) - The American Supplement to the Synopsis of Chess Openings (1885).pdf 3,90
Montaruli Roberto - Difesa Siciliana (Italian).pdf 1,37
Morozevich - Chigorin defense, 2007.djvu 30,0
Moskalenko Victor - Flexible French, 2008.pdf 9,89
Moskalenko Viktor - Wonderful Winawer, 2010.djvu 13,0
Moskalenko, Viktor - The Fabulous Budapest Gambit, 2007.pdf 17,5
Motwani Paul - Spanish Opening C60-C99, 2002.pdf 0,5
Mussanti, D-DEFENSA ORTODOXA-(2010).pdf 1,49
Neishtadt, Iakov - The Queen's Gambit Accepted, 1997.pd 14,1
Neishtadt, Yakov - Catastrophe in the Opening, 1980.pdf 8,99 2s
Neishtadt, Yakov - Queen-'s Gambit Accepted, 1972.djvu 2,04
Neishtadt Yakov - Schon in der Eroeffnung gewinnen!, 1997.djvu 1,07
Neistadt Jakob - Eroffnungsfehler und lehrreiche Kombinationen, 1978.pdf 2,62
Neystadt - La apertura catalana, 1971.pdf 7,93
Nesis Gennady & Igor Blechzin - Spanisch - richtig gespielt, 1990.djvu 1,05
Nesis Gennady & Kalinichenko - Wolga-Benko-Gambit - richtig gespielt, 1992.djvu 0,94
Nesis, Gennady - Tactics in the King-'s Indian, 1992.pdf 3,42
Nesis, Gennady - Tactics in the Sicilian, 1993.pdf 5,65
Nijboer Friso - Tactics in the Chess Opening, Vol. 1 - Sicilian Defence, 2003.djvu 4,33 2str
Nijboer, Frisco & Van der Stricht, Geert - Tactics in the Chess Opening 3, 2005.djvu 4,61 2str
Nikitin - Defensa siciliana Variante Scheveningen.pdf 10,1
Nikolaitczuk - Gezielte Mittelspielstrategie.Pirc-Modern, 1997.pdf 6,45
Norwood David - Winning With the Modern Defence , 1994.pdf 5,92
Novoselski Zoran -1.e4 Repertoire.djvu 0,70
Nunn John - Beating the Sicilian, 1984.pdf 7,45 2str
Nunn John--New Ideas In The Four Knights,1993.djvu 2,20
Nunn John--The Classical King's Indian,1990.djvu 3,32
Nunn John--The Complete Pirc,1990.pdf 7,76 2str
Nunn, Burgess, Emms, Gallagher - Nunn's chess openings (1999).djvu 5,63
Nunn, John & Burgess, Graham - The New Classical King-'s Indian, 1997.pdf 14,7 2str
Odessky Ilya - Play 1.b3, 2008.pdf 8,68
Orban, Laszlo - Schach-Eroffnungen (2009).pdf 1,75
Orlov Georgi - Mexican Defense, 1997.pdf 4,79
Pachman - Teoria Moderna en Ajedrez. 4 - El Gambito de Dama Vol.1 (1995) (исп.).pdf 30,5 2str
Pachman - Teoria moderna en ajedrez. 5 - El Gambito de Dama Vol.2 (1996) (исп.).pdf 38,8 2str
Pachman Ludek - Aperturas Semiabiertas,1989.djvu 7,60
Pachman Ludek - Defensa Siciliana,1990.djvu 9,23
Pachman Ludek--Aperturas_Abiertas,1989_.djvu 7,20
Palkovi Joszef - Hedgehog System Against The English Opening 1997.pdf 2,24
Palliser Richard - Starting Out - Closed Sicilian.djvu 1,77
Palliser, Richard - Fighting the Anti-Sicilians, 2007.pdf 16,5
Palliser, Richard - Play 1.d4!, 2003.djvu 5,11
Palliser, Richard - The Bb5 Sicilian, 2005.pdf 13,5
Palliser, Richard & Flear, Glenn & Ward, Chris - Dangerous Weapons - The Queen-'s Gambit, 2007.djvu 8,36
Panczyk, Krzysztof & Emms, John - Archangel and New Archangel, 2000.pdf 7,58
Panczyk, Krzysztof & Ilczuk, Jacek - Ruy Lopez Exchange, 2005.pdf 19,00
Pandolfini Bruce - Chess Openings Traps and Zaps 1989.pdf 15,6
Pedersen - The Dutch for the Attacking Player, 1996.pdf 2,61
Pedersen S. - The Main Line French - 3 Nc3, 2001.djvu 4,58
Pedersen Stefan, Burgess Graham - The Queen's Gambit for the Attacking Player, 1994.pdf 11,9
Pedersen Steffen - The Meran System, 2000.djvu 5,40
Pertusson Margeir - King-'s Indian Defence Averbakh Variation, 1996.djvu 6,04
Pinski Jan - Italian Game and Evans Gambit, 2005.djvu 2,80
Pinski Jan - The Four Knights, 2003.pdf 6,12
Pinski Jan - The Two Knights Defence, 2004.pdf 10,1
Pinski, Jan - The Benko Gambit, 2005.pdf 7,22
Plaskett, James - Sicilian Grand Prix Attack, 2000.pdf 8,43
Plaskett James - The Scandinavian Defence, 2004.djvu
Polugaevsky Lev & Eduard Gufeld - Damengambit, 1984.djvu 4,85
Polugaevsky Lev - Sizilianisch - Rauzer-Angriff bis Sozin-System, 1983.djvu 3,12
Polugaevsky Lev - El Laberinto Siciliano Vol.1, 1993.pdf 18,1
Povah Nigel - English four knight, 1982.djvu 2,17
Povah, Nigel - How to Play the English Opening, 1991.djvu 1,19
Purser - Elephant2. 1 e4 e5 2.Kf3 d5, 1997.pdf 5,80
Prie Eric Queens Pawn Opening--A White Chameleon, 2007.pdf 0,15
Psakhis Lev - French defence Steinitz Classical and other Systems,2004.djvu 5,87
Psakhis Lev - The Complete French, 1994.pdf 10,9
Purdy C. J. S. - Action Chess - Purdy's 24 Hours Opening Repertoire,2000.djvu 2,21
Raetsky Alexander & Maxim Chetverik - Starting Out - Benoni Systems, 2005.djvu 2,94
Rahal Michael - Defensa Siciliana Variante Sveshnikov I, 2006.pdf 1,11
Rahal Michael - Defensa Siciliana Variante Sveshnikov II, 2006.pdf 0,73
Rizzitano - Taimanov Sicilian, 2006.djvu 4,72
Rizzitano James - Chess Explained - The Queen's Gambit Declined, 2007.djvu
Rogozenko - The Sveshnikov Reloaded, 2005.pdf 30,3
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Gianfelice Ferlito - Marcel Duchamp - La Passione per gli Scacchi (Italian).pdf 0,36
Giddins Steve - 101 Chess Endgame Tips - Golden Nuggets of Endgame Wisdom.djvu 3,75
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Howell James - Essential Chess Endings - The Tournament Player's Guide 2003.pdf 2,52
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Muller Karsten & Wolfgang Pajeken - How To Play Chess Endgames 2008.djvu 6,30
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Nesis Gennady - Exchanging to Win in the Endgame 1990.djvu 2,51
Nunn John - Secrets of Pawnless Endings, 2002.djvu 2,10
Nunn John - Secrets of Rook Endings, 1999.djvu 7,20
Nunn John--Tactical Chess Endings,1988.djvu 3,19
Nunn, John - Secrets of Minor-Piece Endings, 1995.pdf 16,8
Otto T. Blathy - Vielzuegige Schachaufgaben (1890, German).pdf 0,1
Pachman Ludek - Chess Endings for the Practical Player, 1983.djvu 4,88
Panchenko Alexander--Theory and Practice of Chess Endings Convekta.pdf 2,85
Pandolfin iBruce - Pandolfini's Endgame Course.djvu 1,78
Paul Taylor - Problemes d'Echecs Elementaires , 1880.pdf 0,16
Palatz, Massmann, Fabel - Kleinkunst - 120 Schachminiaturen (1943, German).pdf 3,70
Palatz, Massmann, Speckmann, Fabel - Kleinkunst im Schachproblem (1963, German).pdf 4,10
Phillips, Hubert - The Week-End Problems Book.pdf 2,95
Pierce, James & Timbrell W. - English Chess Problems.pdf 0,31
Pierce J--Chess Problems,1874 .pdf 2,49
Prokop F. J. - 1000 auserlesene Schachaufgaben (1944, German).pdf 8,03
Reinfeld, Fred - Reinfeld on the End-Game in Chess, 1957.pd 3,70
Robertie Bill--Basic Endgame Strategy Queens and Rooks,1998.djvu 0,70
RosenBernd--Chess Endgame Training,2003.djvu 1,61
Rossen Bernd - Chess Endgame Training, 2003.pdf 26,3
Roycroft - The Chess Endgame Study - A Comprehensive Introduction, 1972.pdf 6,29
Scheel Johan - 256 Problemes Choisis (French).pdf 0,39
Shereshevsky - Endgame Strategy, 1985.pdf 20,7
Shereshevsky Mihail & L. M. Slutsky - Mastering the Endgame, Vol. 1 (single pages).djvu 2,74
Shereshevsky Mihail & L. M. Slutsky - Mastering the Endgame, Vol. 2 (single pages).djvu 5,30
Silman Jeremy - Silman's Complete Endgame Course.pdf 39,9
Smyslov - Endgame Virtuoso 2003.pdf 21,2
Snape Ian - Chess Endings Made Simple (single pages).djvu 1,38
Soltis Andrew - GM Secrets-Endings 1997.pdf 4,75
Speelman Jonathan - Analysing the Endgame.djvu 1,68
Speelman Jonathan - Preparacion de Finales.djvu 3,99
Stubbs - Canadian Chess Problems, 1890.pdf 0,13
Stubbs, - Globe Problem and Solution Tourney No 2, 1888.pdf 0,10
Sutherland, M.A. & Lommer, H.M. - 1234 Modern End-Game Studies.pdf 14,7
Taverner, T. - Chess Problems Made Easy.pdf 0,25
Thursby - Seventy-five Chess Problems 1, 1883.pdf 0,50
Troitzky - 360 Brilliant and Instructive Endgames , 1961.pdf 6,95
Van Perlo's Endgame Tactics 2008 (third, improved edition).pdf 28,6
Ward Chris - Starting out - Rook Endgames 2007.pdf 19,3
Winkelman Barnie --Modern Chess Endings , 1933.pdf 21,1
Winkelman--Modern chess endings,1933.djvu 2,84
White Charles - Une Selection de Problemes d'Echecs, 1885.pdf - 0,35
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Wallis, Edward (ed.) - 777 Miniatures in 3 Moves.pdf 0,2
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О.Святой Елены


post 27-Фев-2011 15:17 (спустя 4 минуты)


Долго я это делал. Вроде даже под правила раздач многокнижных коллекций рутрекера подходит.. Правда, не знаю, в какой её раздел запихнут. Если будет востребовано скоро подготовлю релиз шахматной литературы на русском и просто подборку спортивной литературы.
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post 27-Фев-2011 15:39 (спустя 21 минута)


Спасибо большое!!! Ждём литературы на русском языке.
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Стаж: 14 лет

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Откуда: Ростов-на-Дону



post 27-Фев-2011 15:42 (спустя 3 минуты)


Ух...жесть! ay Ну, в смысле, Au!... На русском "востребую" обязательно, а то " axжизни" половину книг порастаскали-порастеряли
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post 27-Фев-2011 15:56 (спустя 13 минут)

Топик был перенесен из форума <b><a class=\"gen\" href=\"viewforum.php?f=30\">Релизы пользователей</a></b> в форум <b><a class=\"gen\" href=\"viewforum.php?f=106\">Интеллектуальные игры</a></b><br /><br /><a class=\"gen\" href=\"profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=65\">vityok1981</a>


Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 12



post 02-Мар-2011 20:44 (спустя 3 дня)


Ждём книг на русском!
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Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 606

О.Святой Елены


post 26-Мар-2011 20:16 (спустя 23 дня)


На русском здесь http://rgfootball.net/viewtopic.php?t=7976&amp;spmode=full#seeders
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post 09-Июн-2013 16:14 (спустя 2 года 2 месяца)

Топик был перенесен из форума Спортивная литература в форум Архив

Царь Борис 1
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